Around here, we know a guy’s in the right line of work when he lists, “Loves to mow the grass” as one of his favorite non-work activities. As a project manager, Chris Moller has transferrable skills, meaning he could manage projects in any number of industries. Clearly, he chose the right place to work. And we think we chose the right person to be our Project Manager!
Chris’ passion for landscape has passed the test of time: He’s been grooming gardens and yards since he was a teen, starting with a small landscape nursery in Illinois and eventually working for a large firm, creating stunning landscapes and installing elaborate water features and outdoor lighting designs. This multi-talented fellow can build a beautiful outdoor kitchen—and use the space to make a great breakfast besides! Chris and his kids, Tyler and Molly probably appreciate that second kitchen-related skill most of all. (One bit of trivia about Chris: He is really good at trivia. Ask him anything.)