How does a person go from holding a PolySci degree to becoming a Remodeling & Construction Project Manager? You have to admit, it’s a bit of a leap. But that’s what Kelley Woodhead has done. Yes, there were a few stepping stones along the way: owning a remodeling project management business in St. Louis and working an assistant project manager for a Twin Cities custom home builder. But the great career switcheroo came before all that. Kelley discovered her destiny through a DIY venture that she and her husband, John, undertook. They remodeled their first home together.

First they tore the little Cape Cod house apart (that was easy). Things got a little crazy when they commenced putting it back together. Yet, Kelley knew she was onto something good when she found herself enjoying the process (calling it “fun and satisfying”). Not even the part where the ceiling collapsed into the family room daunted this first-time remodeler. She loved it! Still does. So now, a few houses, two sons and one English Bulldog later, Kelley is in her remodeled remodeling career at Mom’s!

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