Get to Know Award-Winning Designer Heather Sweeney

If you can imagine it, Heather can bring it to life. And if you can’t quite envision it, Heather can! With her contagious can-do attitude, ten years of experience at Mom’s and two degrees from NDSU in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design, Heather is more than capable of turning dreams and designs into a stunning reality! The proof is in her impressive landscaping projects, several of which have won awards-even nationally! She is known for incorporating one-of-a-kind details unique to each client’s personality, but her real magic just might be in her ability to understand what her client wants–even when they don’t quite know it themselves! Indeed, Heather has found her calling.

Get to Know Award-Winning Designer Heather Sweeney Read More »

Design Spotlight: Elevated Elegance

This project completely changed how we spent the summer. We are out there all day long. We eat almost all meals outside: Breakfast, lunch and dinner. We read out there. We will sit out late at night with the screens down and enjoy the 360-degree sounds of the night. What we’ve accomplished is an outdoor area that is every bit as outdoors as it ever was, but it is so much more comfortable. We find that family and friends just want to hang out in this space and my wife and I do as well. We live out there.

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