Project Spotlight: Sky Lane

These homeowners bought their large home in the brand new development largely because it looked out over a pastoral preserve that can never be developed. But the foreground was nothing but an elevated screened porch on spindly posts and an expansive, flat lawn. They tasked designer Heather Sweeney to create an outdoor environment that could accommodate frequent 20 to 30 person events and extend the home’s lower level entertainment space outdoors. It needed to reflect their favorite travel destination, Tuscany, but fit the home’s modern farmhouse architecture. They credit the team with nailing the design (no pun intended!) and working into winter to have the magnificent space ready for 2019.

Rooftop Party: A Luxury Minneapolis Moment

Who says we can’t have a little west coast Hollywood glam in Minnesota? (Writer’s Note: Please don’t answer that if you’re going to say ‘me!’) When we think of luxury, we instantly remember this rooftop moment in Minneapolis. Let’s take a moment of our day to revel in what Minnesota has to offer regarding rooftop luxury views.

Porch Retreat: Relax in This Breezy Sanctuary

While the kitchen is the heart of the household, it’s easy to consider a big, breezy porch as the soul of the home. This is the spot you can hunker down and read a good, juicy book. It’s the corner you can take a nap at high noon. It is the socializing hub, as a place where you can settle down with family and friends and have a nightcap. Whether or not your porch is filled with house plants, good conversation, cozy furniture or whimsical string lights, we have just the porch to get anyone inspired. Meet the breezy and especially cozy sanctuary. Pssst…if you need any porch remodeling ideas, you’ve come to the right corner of the internet.

It’s Alive! – Planting a Living Privacy Fence

The fence is the simplest way to divide boundaries and to create privacy in your yard. The difficulty with fences, however, is that many municipalities only allow for the construction of fences that are 6 feet in height. This limits to the amount of privacy that can be achieved with just a fence. If you would like to have anything taller, there are a few simple ways in which privacy can be achieved. The best such way being, with plants!

What are Living Walls?

From a reclaimed pallet filled with herbs to a 15-story building covered in over 10,000 plants, living walls are becoming more and more popular—and for good reason. Whether indoors or out, they offer much more than just beauty. Living walls improve air quality and increase overall well-being, but can also absorb sound and help insulate your home.

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