
This month for 11 questions, our resident plant expert and logophile (lover of words), Stephen Kung.
It’s hard to believe that this veteran Twin Cities rocker has nearly 20 years under his belt as a landscape designer. A guy who drives a sporty 1971 canary-yellow VW Karmann Ghia and performs at venues from First Avenue to Lincoln Center can’t possibly be a veteran landscape designer as well! Somehow, he is. The natural world has inspired Stephen his whole life and he loves to help people explore the remarkable potential of their patch of earth.

1. How long at have you been at Mom’s?

Exactly one year.

2. What is your job title?

Landscape Designer

3. Do you have any children?

Soren 13, Linden 11

4. How about pets?

Lhasa Apso, Frankie (aka Norlem, Kuti-nor, Ahmi-nor)

5. What is your favorite book?

“A People’s History of the United States”,

6. Favorite plants?

OMG, that’s an impossible question! Pinus strobus, Comptonia peregrina, Acer triflorum, Hamamelis virginiana, Fritillaria meleagris, Rodgersia, Kirengeshoma, Cercis Canadensis, Cornus Canadensis, Adiantum pedatum, Ophiopogon, Gentiana andrewsii, Hepatica obtusiloba, Rubus parviflora, Helleborus, Iris cristata… OK, I’d better stop.

7. If a genie gave you a wish what would you wish for?

A world that rewards compassion and punishes exploitation.

8. Do you have any hidden talents?

I can eat about 6 pounds of Ethiopian food in one sitting.

9. What would you be doing if you weren't at your current job?

I would be running an agnostic church that combines science and metaphysical philosophy with organizing to increase the purposefulness and durable social capital in secular peoples’ lives.

10. If you ruled the world, what would you change on Day 1?

I would institute a UBI (universal basic income) and establish a maximum wage of $1,000/hr.

11. If you had to move to a different country, where would you go and why?

I’d move to New Zealand because of the wild extremes of ecology/geology and the mild climate.




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