
Get to know the team at Mom’s Design Build with a new monthly feature: “11 Questions”. This month, Senior Designer, Becca Bastyr.
We’re not sure why Becca always knows how to correctly pronounce European words or how she can recall odd historical references, but we suspect it has to do with her degrees from the U of M in both Architecture and Art History. Well, there’s that and her innate interest in artistry of all kinds: literature, music, film, nature, and architecture. But it’s Becca’s amazing ability to organize, multi-task—and not the least of all design beautiful spaces—that have earned several prestigious awards for her landscapes and outdoor structures.

1. How long have you been at Mom’s?

It will be 13 years in April.

2. Do you have any pets?


3. How about children?


4. Favorite Book?

Ugh are you kidding??? That’s impossible to answer. Pride and Prejudice, quickly followed by almost everything else Jane Austen wrote. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Almost anything by Bill Bryson. Obviously, Harry Potter. The Princess Bride. A Year in Provence. Bridget Jones (the first two), etc. etc. etc. I mean…impossible. I have over 450 books and at least half of them I’ve read multiple times.

5. Favorite Plants?

Oak Trees.

6. What’s playing in your car right now?

Audible book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

7. If a genie gave you a wish, what would you wish for?

Please can I be a Wizard/Jedi combination? Awesome!

8. TV Show you never miss?

The Great British Baking Show on PBS. It’s a thing.

9. What super power would you like to have?

I kind of wish I could travel back in time but that would be disastrous, as shown in the hit movie Back to the Future, so telekinesis is my second choice.

10. Do you have any hidden talents?

I’m a pretty talented online shopper. I got that one DOWN!

11. What would you be doing if you weren’t at your current job?

Art Director in the movies.
If you have a question to ask of our team, send it to




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