
A long time ago I once met someone who, assuming “winter” to a landscaper is akin to drought to a fisherman or summer to a downhill skier, asked me “what is it that you landscapers DO in the winter??”

I’m just kidding; everybody asks me that, all the time. Number one question after “Are you THE Mom?? Bwaharharhar.” I’ve crafted a generic but satisfying response said with an “It’s more exciting than you think” tone of voice that emits an air of “I’m very busy and important.” Something along the lines of “work on winter designs, organize and perfect our processes, winter landscaping, plow snow, etc.” You know the drill.

Over the years I’ve perfected this response in order to adhere to the unspoken yet ancient and strict laws of Minnesotan Small Talk but in truth the answer is varied and ever-changing and sometimes a little bit of a mystery. Not the murder kind but more of the “what should we have for dinner tonight” kind of a mystery. A What adventure are we going to find THIS winter kind of a mystery.

For example: this winter we’ve done something we haven’t done but only once in all our years: we launched our BRAND NEW WEBSITE (the very one you are currently on). This is not a normal winter activity for us and suffice it to say we are VERY excited. You must feel all right about it too if you’ve made it far enough in to be reading this blog, and for that we thank you very much.

And yes, we do have winter designs we are working on (stay tuned for the results on those) and yes, we are organizing and perfecting our processes (because life is not static) but the other loop in this wild roller coaster ride we are on is that we have a BRAND NEW NAME!

MOM’S DESIGN BUILD brings clarity to who we are and what we do: design and build. Where? Everywhere! What? Everything! Well…not space shuttles. Or medical devices. Residential interiors and exteriors is the name of our game and to prove it we’ve populated this ENTIRE website with picture after picture of what we do and love. 

So thanks for coming along for the ride and stay tuned for more white-knuckled Winter excitement from the Land of Mom’s!
~Becca Bastyr




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